Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Alcoholism Causes

Depends on the gradual process of alcohol, which may take several years of active for decades, there was a problem of the person, can be very vulnerable to abuse in the coming months. Finally, you can change the balance in the brain chemical GABA (gamma-amino-butyric acid) controls, impulsivity, and acids, stimulates the nervous system during the regular consumption of alcohol. The release of dopamine in the brain when we drink alcohol, dopamine levels more enjoyable experience. Long and medium term alcohol abuse significantly alter the level of chemicals in the brain, and why your body needs to feel good and alcohol should avoid animosity.

Risk factors may be associated with excessive alcohol:
Genes and the researchers say, there are a few more likely to be addicted to alcohol and other substances that may not be specific to genetic factors. Persons who have a family alcoholism most at risk. Alcoholics, six times more likely to be an alcoholic, who has relatives who are Addicted to alcohol. Researchers at the University of Granada, Spain, showed that "the absence of a genetic predisposition to hereditary and alcohol addicted to be releases."

The first alcoholic beverage, the age, the study found that those who drink 15 years, and are more likely to have alcohol-related problems later in life when she started.

Daily smoking study scientists at Yale University found that five times more likely to be alcohol, smokers, people who have never smoked compared to daily smokers has a problem.

Easy access to experts say that have easy access to alcohol (cheapest price) and the abuse of alcohol and the relationship between alcohol-related deaths. Studies in the United States found an increase in alcohol taxes in 2002, 1983, a strong relationship, and the significant decline in the number of deaths related to the use of alcohol, a common approaches almost quadrupled in the u.s. and other preventive strategies, such as a biography or media campaigns.

Stress, stress hormones, some associated with alcoholism. If the high level of stress, suffering, what a couple of our markets, uses vacuum, alcohol disorder. No doubt the fact that Iraq and Afghanistan back-to do this, and in the event of a military service, members of the alcohol at the same time, researchers, Institute of alcohol abuse and alcoholism.

The pressure in the consumption of the people of the friends who regularly drinking or alcohol abuse are more likely to drink excessively, and finally has a problem with alcohol.

Low self-esteem experts, of course, say that the people of the low self-esteem that the abuse is available.

People, depression, depression, whether intentionally or not, such as the consumption of alcohol. A study on the statistical modelling suggests that alcohol consumption can cause depression, not the opposite.

Media and advertising, in some countries, alcohol is presented as a charming, the countries and the main activities. Many experts believe that alcohol advertising media, and excessive intake of alcohol is acceptable. The Royal college of physicians used to protect children, the prohibition of advertising of alcohol.

If the Agency has determined that metabolizes process (), many people who need to save, in accordance with the risk increasing proportionately more alcohol alcoholism, scientists at the University of California, San Diego survey problem.

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