Saturday, June 9, 2012


Adenoma is a benign tumor (-oma) of glandular origin. Adenomas in many instruments, including colon, adrenal, pituitary, thyroid, prostate cancer, etc, while the growth of benign, malignant, where progress is called adenocarcinoma. Although it can lead to serious complications, harmless, other structures (effect) and can result in a lot of hormones in an uncontrolled way compress (paraneoplastickým syndrome), the independent reviewers.

Histopathological examination.

Adenoma is a benign tumor of the stomach and intestines, rectum, thin fabric or structure of tumor cells to the irritation of the glands glandlike shape. Polyp, adenoma or hollow organs (stomach) marks adenomatózna adenomas grow. Depending on the type of transaction which is fundamental, able âgodoobraznaâ adenoma, (the head of a long, thin legs), or Quercus petraea (Basic).
Adenomatózna weapons dysplasia (atypia or loss of normal differentiation of epithelium) irregular cells hyperchromatiques through sejtmagok (pseudo) during the investigation, various cells, reducing the gap in Atomic, nucleolus and mucosecretion of the mitotic sejtmagátültetéssel is obtained. The architecture may be tubular, light, or the tube. The basal membrane and Muscularis nyálkahártyája.


A fairly common Rectum cancer. You'll often see the colonoscopy. Will be removed from the desire to cause malicious, and colorectal cancer.


In General, small tumors and symptoms, which is derived from renal diseases without the tubule. Born in the womb of liver lesions in the Platónových.


Adrenal gland adenomas, common, and often the stomach usually are not included in the survey. they are usually incidental findings. A 10 000 are harmful. Iris biopsy homogeneous and less than 3 cm in the case of damage to, for example, only rarely. more photos of three-six months of stability, the strengthening of growth.
While some adrenal gland adenomas do not secrete the hormones Aldosterone and cortisol, the clerks Cushing's Syndrome caused by androgen Conn Hyperandrogenism causes the authorities often have various causes.

Thyroid gland

Solitary thyroid gland nodes is one of the ten people. Research is needed because a small percentage of them are malicious. Biopsy usually confirms the emergence of adenoma, but sometimes necessary surgical circumcision, especially when a follicle cells by biopsy.

The pituitary gland

Pituitary adenomas in neurological patients, 10% is observed. Many of them nediagnostikovaný. Treatment is usually surgical, patients are generally good. The subtype, prolactinoma, more common still believes that women are often diagnosed during pregnancy hormone progesterone increases and growth. Medical therapy Bromocriptine or Cabergoline General suppression "; "progesterone antagonist therapy successful prolactinoma.


Parathyroid hormone and parathyroid adenoma gland so that large amounts of unnecessary base also secrete hyperparathyroidismus.

The liver

See the adenoma. Benign tumors of the liver, liver tumors are rare, which can occur when the enlargement or other symptoms.


Adenoma of the breast is called fibroadenomas. They are often very small and very difficult to detect. There are often no symptoms. Treatment may include removal or biopsy.


You can also view the adenomas. The condition is very rare. The most common version is called CISTADENOMA. Usually occur during the test, the textile appendicitis inflammation. If the tumor, which is the source of the problems, especially when malignant cells spread to the abdominal cavities and then set up and implementation deficiencies.


Bronchial adenomas adenomas in the branches. Carcinoid syndrome can cause a kind of paraneoplastickým syndrome.


Adenoma sebaceum is a skin condition characterized by slow growth, yellow or orange carne tumors usually a bow or segments.

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