Monday, June 11, 2012

Albinism Signs and symptoms

Two kinds of eyes, skin and hair, oculocutaneous disease for humans and others affect only the eyes.

For most people, in order to see that white pigment melanin are known, or very light oculocutaenous yellow, Brown, black, and is not available for the eye may be necessary. blue eyes shining, that cause the anxiety and diagnostic genetic testing.

Because the skin disorders in persons with white pigment melanin, which is totally free and any substance which protects the skin from the Sun, the skin against ultraviolet radiation more easily.
The human eye normally produce enough white pigment blue IRIS, and the opacity of the eye. This is where special, however, is that, you know, red or purple, depending on the amount of pigment retina red can be seen through the eyes of IRIS found by. In the absence of Pigment in the eyes of the field of vision, related and unrelated to Fényérzékenységet can also lead to problems.

Albinistic death, although the block ultraviolet radiation and the risk of skin cancer and other problems lead to the absence of pigment, it is usually helpful, and population (see the following related syndrome) but, for growth and development, as a remnant of the common errors and emerging.

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