Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Anorexia Diagnosis


The first implementation of the employee health diagnosis. Multiple conditions, including viral and bacteriological infections, neurodegenerative diseases and brain tumours, hormonal imbalance, that can mimic psychiatric disorders, including anorexia. Deep in the archives of General Psychiatry, psychiatrist Richard Hall, according to a study to be published in:
Often called a health status of psychiatric symptoms.
It is difficult to distinguish, mental disorders, physical suffering psychiatric symptoms.
Detailed procedure for assessing psychiatric patients and preliminary analysis usual laboratory.

Most of the patients in the psychiatric symptoms of disease on health grounds do not recognise.
Patient diagnosis with symptoms such as the original patient.
Complete blood count (CBC): white blood-test. Blood red and various diseases, such as anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytosis, leukopenia, leukocytosis that manifests or neutrophil availability caused by malnutrition and immunosuppression used for platelets.
Urine, urine general analysis: addictive disorders, as well as to the general health of the different patterns used in diagnosis
ELISA: a different subspecies that the ELISA test is used for Borrelia burgdoferi viruses and bacteria (salmonella) antibody treatment
Western blot analysis: confirms the provisional findings of the ELISA test
Chem-Chem-20-20:-also-ADM-20 20 g of each chemical investigations of blood. Tests include cholesterol, protein and carbohydrates, potassium, sodium and chlorine and tests for the liver and kidney.
Glucose tolerance by the oral route (OGTT) test: glucose tolerance test is used to assess the inclusion of glucose in the body. This is very useful for the diagnosis of various diseases, such as diabetes, blood sugar Sabattus's syndrome, the syndrome of Insulinoma Is polycysticke
Secritin-CCK test assesses how your gallbladder totalling and the pancreas
The sero-agglutination test: cholinesterase activity liver enzymes (acetylcholinesterase and pseudocholinesterasis) is a useful test of liver function, malnutrition and the effects of the evaluation of the test
Liver test: evaluates the function of the liver, some of them are also used in a series of tests used, protein malnutrition, kidney disorders, Crohn's disease, bleeding from a deficit
LH: response to LH releasing hormone GnRH (LH) (GnRH) pituitary hormone gonadotropin levels in response to GnRh response: please contact the hypothalumus. Central Hypogonadism, most often seen in cases of anorexia.
Prolaktinu (CK) test: measures the enzymes prolaktinu (CK-MB), brain (CK-BB) in the blood flow in the heart, and skeletal muscle (CK-mm).
The blood urea nitrogen (BUN) is a byproduct of protein metabolism: urea, was founded in the liver, and the kidneys by the organisation. Bun test is mainly used to test the function of the kidneys. You can refer to effects of low Bun malnutrition.
Bun-BUN the cell cycle cell cycle used to predict the various conditions:. Bun and around: acute renal failure, congestive heart failure, the cell cycle, high resilience, moisturizing, intestinal bleeding occurs. The full cycle of A cell, and to refer to low-cost, low bun, rhabdomyolysis cirrhosis of the liver.
The animation uses the Echocardiogram Ultrasound assessment of the activities of the heart:
An electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG): you can also use the heart electrical activity in various diseases, such as hyperkalemia detection measures
Elektroencefalogramu (EEC): measures the brain's electrical functions. Can be used to detect irregularities, brain tumors associated with
The problem with the middle and upper digestive tube is used for the evaluation of traffic IM tool
Thyroid TSH T4-T3: screen test is used to evaluate the thyroid gland, thyroid (TSH), thyroid stimulating hormone, Thyroxine (T4) controlled and triiodothyronine (T3)
Hormones parathyroid (PTH secretion): tests and measures (selection PTH) blood, glands to function obščitnici. The test to be used for the parahypothyroidism. Calcium and phosphorus in the blood, it also specifies the (cell).
Barium enema x ray: lower digestive tract
Mozgovymi; vari-

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